Many of you may or may not remember that we were running a contest for a redesign of our OSEA banner. This banner is used at our annual conference in the parade of banners, and then hung on the wall with all the other banners from attending chapters.
It is a visual representation of our participation at conference. A few days ago, we closed the contest for our OSEA banner and began to count votes for the 3 designs submitted. However, during this process we made a discovery. Due to an email glitch there were 25 entries that were submitted on the same day, but were not received into the inbox. Therefore they were not included in the voting.
We appreciate those of you who have already taken the time to look and vote. However, we feel that the other 25 entrants from Rocky Smith’s Graphic Arts Class deserve a chance to have their work counted. Therefore, in order to be fair, we will be rerunning the banner contest to include the additional entries. Voting will be opened until Friday June 2nd . We apologize for any inconvenience, and urge you to please take a moment to look over all 28 designs and cast, or for those of you who have already voted, to recast your vote.
We are looking forward to presenting the winning designer the $100 prize.
Thank You,
Chapter 14 Executive Board
Please take a moment to look over the designs and give us your vote.
The link is